woman praying

Does God Always Hear Us When We Pray?

  The answer to a recent prayer stopped me in my tracks. It wasn’t the “size” of the response that threw me off guard. It was the amazing realization that…

woman of purpose-the titus woman

How To Become A Woman Of Purpose

Don’t you want to make a difference? For much of my early adult life I was haunted by my overwhelming desire to make a difference for Christ. To be a…

how to practice Christian hospitality-the titus woman

Why (And How) To Practice Christian Hospitality

  HOW (AND WHY) TO PRACTICE CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY I love to cook, and I brew sweet, Southern iced tea by the gallons. I also love to set a pretty  table…

how to put on the armor of God-the titus woman

How To Put On The Armor Of God

Christians are in a fight for their faith. There’s no question there’s a battle going on. The only question is how to put on the armor of God so we…


Facing Rejection Because of Your Faith

We hadn’t seen him since he was a tiny baby. But the 20-year-old soldier called my parents to let them know he was passing through our town and would love…

How To “Give It To God and Let It Go”

Women know how to get things done and make things happen. By nature, we’re problem solvers. We juggle kids’ schedules, whip up dinner from a near-empty pantry, and figure out…

God leads

When God Takes You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We were hanging a sports logo in my grandson’s new bedroom. The vaulted ceilings made us underestimate how high up it needed to go, and we didn’t have a ladder…


How to Start Reading the Bible

I was a brand new Christian, and I had no idea how to start reading the Bible. In fact,  I couldn’t have told you where to find Genesis or Revelation…

Bible and cup of coffee

How To Make Time For The Bible

Good Housekeeping. Family Circle. Ladies Home Journal. In the days before Pinterest and even the Internet, magazines were my windows to the world. I poured over them for recipes, parenting…


How To Handle Disappointment

Ninety days. I counted them up on my calendar, carefully circling DAY NUMBER NINETY. I was a young mom and my husband worked overseas. He regularly left my two young…