Several years ago, my two older daughters were moms to six kids under the age of six. Naturally, they were experiencing normal mom exhaustion.
I knew my daughters and their husbands needed a getaway so they could rest and re-connect, but hiring babysitters was out of the question. So, I planned a preschool cousin camp, my first annual Camp Cece (I’m CeCe!).
After weeks of planning and preparation, I invited our five potty-trained (that was the eligibility factor!) grandchildren to join my husband and me at our home for a four-day overnight preschool cousin camp.
Meanwhile, I encouraged their parents to either sleep in at home or take off for a kid-free mini-vacation.
Preschool Cousin Camp Counselors
Two weeks before cousin camp, my father suffered a massive stroke and passed on to heaven.
We were devastated.
I was staying with my newly-widowed mom who lived three hours away. I’d been with her since my father’s unexpected death and I didn’t want to leave her alone so soon after his passing.
At the same time, I couldn’t bring myself to cancel Camp CeCe and disappoint my young grandchildren and their parents.
Not dreaming she would comply, I asked my mom to go home with me and help with Camp CeCe.
To my delight, she agreed!

And she’s been our prized co-camp counselor ever since.
Here are the ins and outs of our Preschool Cousin Camp:
Preschool Cousin Camp rules
Pick your (food) battles
Preschoolers can be hard to please at the dinner table. That’s why we decided ahead of time that food battles would not be an issue at preschool cousin camp.
After collecting a list of my grandchildren’s favorite foods, I planned meals I was certain they’d eat. I happily catered to picky eaters and adjusted our menus to accommodate a grandson with dietary restrictions.
At times we served three or four different entrees at one mealtime, but all the kids ate with no grumbling, so we considered it a win!
Don’t allow down time!
Together, my mom, husband, and I were a hands-on team. We followed an ultra-structured daily itinerary that kept everyone entertained and (for the most part!) happy.
Our daily schedule was planned in 30-minute segments with quiet activities followed by lots of action.
Reward good behavior
For preschool cousin camp, we used a reward system for good behavior. We “caught” my grandchildren exhibiting positive attitudes and behaviors and rewarded them with stickers on a handmade chart.
It worked.
In no time at all, the kids picked up on our “positivity” and competed to see who could be “nicest” or most helpful.
Require participation
No one was allowed to opt out of camp activities. Whether singing, playing, or eating, everyone had to participate. No exceptions.
This all-in rule set the tone for camp. Had we allowed even one child to opt out of an activity, I believe we’d have contended all week with children who would have wanted to pick and choose their own itinerary.
Make sure they’re Potty -Trained!
To keep Camp CeCe manageable, we made the decision to limit attendance to campers who are at least three years old and potty-trained.
Preschool Cousin Camp Day One
All About Bugs
Our first day of preschool cousin camp was filled with everything bugs.
We hunted for bugs.
Studied bugs.
The kids watched movies about bugs.
We made bug cookies and dirt cake.
We played bug games (like catch “flies”/aka kids in the “web”/aka toilet tissue!).
And we learned about bugs in the Bible.
The kids got wet.
They went on a scavenger hunt.
And they played with outdoor toys.
Bug Day was packed full of activity. No one got bored, upset, or homesick!
Preschool Cousin Camp Day Two
All About Birds
On the second day of Camp CeCe we learned about birds.
Since birds fight each other for worms, we started our day with a tug-of-war contest.
Then we made bird feeders.
We played Bingo (and used dried beans for markers).
And we made stepping stones by filling cheap planter trays with quick-drying cement.
Next we strung Cheerios onto pipe cleaners to make another bird feeder.
Then we learned about the birds Noah sent out from the ark.
Finally, we made our own slime.
All in all, our second day of preschool cousin camp proved to be another fun, full day!
Preschool Cousin Camp Day Three
All About Campfires
Our last day of preschool cousin camp began with Sunday School and church, which accounted for a full morning.
Back at “camp” we gathered leaves, twigs, rocks, and countless other items to make nature boards. We attached hangers on the back of the boards so the kids could take them home and hang them on their bedroom walls.
Next we made “campfires” out of miniature marshmallows, pretzels, and cheese crackers.
Then we played in the water.
We took a popsicle break.
And we learned about the burning bush in the Bible.
At dusk we played flashlight hide-and-seek.
Finally, we roasted marshmallows and made s’mores.
Camp Info
Closing Ceremonies
At the end of each day I rewarded the kids with “badges” I had made from felt. They weren’t fancy, but the kids loved them. They served as rewards for participating in all our camp activities.
Surprise Venue
The venue and theme for Camp Cece are always a surprise. For preschool cousin camp, the parents kept everything a secret until the kids arrived for the first day of camp.
Morning Ritual
Each day of preschool cousin camp began with the Pledge of Allegiance, songs, and a reminder of the camp rules. This helped set a tone of order and respect for the day’s activities.
We didn’t have enough beds to accommodate all the kids for preschool cousin camp, so they brought their own tents and sleeping bags. We arranged the tents in our large dining room. The kids loved sleeping near each other and felt like they were truly camping out.
Camp CeCe T-Shirts
Prior to Camp CeCe, I bought t-shirts for the kids and then purchased letter stamps and bug stamps from Hobby Lobby. I stamped the shirts with cheap craft paint and they held up for years as sleep shirts.
I also ordered plastic magnifying glasses, binoculars, butterfly nets, and bug boxes from Oriental Trading Company.
Shoe shopping
Camp CeCe ends with a shoe-shopping adventure.
Since the first day of school follows cousin camp by only a week or two, we purchase brand new tennis shoes for everyone. Not only do the kids love the adventure, but their parents enjoy having some help with back-to-school expenses!
To be honest, shoe shopping is the most hectic part of the entire camp experience! With topless or empty shoe boxes scattered across the floor, kids climbing and jumping to “help” find their specific sizes, and obligatory running up and down the aisles to make sure the shoes are “fast enough,” it’s an all-out circus.
At preschool cousin camp the moms accompanied us to the shoe store and helped us find sizes and styles that suited everyone.
The Takeaway
Preschool Cousin Camp was exhausting. In fact, the day after Camp CeCe my mom, husband and I turned to Jello.
We had worked hard for four days entertaining, teaching, feeding, and refereeing five lively, delightful children.
And our votes were unanimous.
It was worth it. In fact, the following year we had a wonderful time at Secret Agent Camp. We’ve also camped at Jellystone Park three times, the Mississippi Beach, and a beach in Florida and somehow we’ve managed to keep everyone happy.
At Camp CeCe the cousins learn to work as a team. They learn to be patient with each other. And they learn to appreciate each other’s differences and applaud each other’s strengths.
Every summer since preschool cousin camp, my grandchildren can’t wait to gather for Camp CeCe. Although the themes change, Camp CeCe continues to be a place where my grandsons learn to appreciate their differences and my granddaughters strengthen their sisterhood.
My grandchildren have grown older, and their summers get busier and busier. But so far, Camp CeCe remains at the top of their summer list.
Long after I’m gone, I hope the legacy of Camp CeCe lives on. My hope is that my grandchildren will reserve a week for cousin camp for as long as they live.
Best.Grandparents.Ever! I love this so much!
Haha we have so much fun and the memories are priceless!
Can’t wait to see pictures and hear about this camp Cede. This is so awesome
I can’t wait! A new venue!
Yeah , what fun!!! I had a great time watching!!!!
Hanna C
Stay posted!
Neat ideas! Taking notes–maybe one day we will do the same. Right now, that just sounds exhausting… 🙂 So appreciate your decision to not only invest in the littler generation but to bless your daughters. It is not always an easy path and definitely requires setting self aside, but such a blessing!
Margaret, it’s funny but like you, I would have been too exhausted when my kids were all at home to plan anything this energetic! One of the perks of getting old is being able to move at your own pace. I’m all-in during Camp CeCe but I pretty much turn to Jello the day after:)
Cindy, I love this! As a parent of an energetic boy, I can appreciate the break that you give to your girls!
That was my motivation from the very start! But now I don’t think I could back out of Camp CeCe even if I wanted to because my grandchildren look forward to it all year!