Extending the Gift of Grace When People Disappoint You

how to respond with grace

My three-year-old granddaughter was perplexed on her first day back at Sunday School after a pandemic-induced hiatus. “Mom, Victoria looked new today. She had glasses on her eyes.” Then she paused. “She kept the same name, though.” I chuckled at the bewilderment of a preschooler. Her little friend was the same person—yet she looked different!… Read More

When God Takes You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

God leads

We were hanging a sports logo in my grandson’s new bedroom. The vaulted ceilings made us underestimate how high up it needed to go, and we didn’t have a ladder handy. So, my son-in-law squatted and motioned for my young granddaughter to stand on his shoulders. Normally cautious, calculated, and careful not to make a… Read More