Why (And How) To Practice Christian Hospitality

how to practice Christian hospitality-the titus woman

  HOW (AND WHY) TO PRACTICE CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY I love to cook, and I brew sweet, Southern iced tea by the gallons. I also love to set a pretty  table and gather people around me. Lately, though, my entertaining has been pretty much limited to my family. With three daughters, three sons-in-law, eight grandchildren, and… Read More

When God Takes You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

God leads

We were hanging a sports logo in my grandson’s new bedroom. The vaulted ceilings made us underestimate how high up it needed to go, and we didn’t have a ladder handy. So, my son-in-law squatted and motioned for my young granddaughter to stand on his shoulders. Normally cautious, calculated, and careful not to make a… Read More