My Child Needs Help | Taking Extraordinary Measures

In spite of raised eyebrows from family and friends, we boarded a flight to New York.

My daughter had been having seizures for three long months. The first one, which happened while she cheered at a high school football game, left us stunned and scrambling for answers.

The answers never came. But more seizures did, and they were getting worse.

I took my daughter to specialists in three different states. She underwent tests, questioning, and medication regimes.

The doctors were puzzled, but I had a hunch.

When your child needs extra help, ask God to help you

One day, as I begged God to help us find an answer, a TV commercial stopped me in my tracks. The National Epilepsy Foundation had discovered a connection between seizures and hormone imbalances.

I called the foundation and was told to see a certain kind of specialist, located at that time in only three states: California, Washington, and New York. Then, while friends questioned my “extreme measures,” I purchased round-trip tickets from our home in Mississippi to New York City.


airplane-for the mom whose child needs extra help


At Cornell University Medical Center a specialist diagnosed my daughter within five minutes of seeing her. After an exam, he wrote a prescription that ended the seizures.

Sometimes moms have to take extraordinary measures when a child needs extra help. And sometimes we need more wisdom than we’ve got.

For every mom whose child has a behavioral problem, health issue, or mental health disorder, I want to encourage you to stay the course and find help.

You may not understand what’s happening, but I can tell you Who does. God “knit [your child] together in [his or her] mother’s womb(Psalm 139:13 ).

That’s why I asked the Lord to help me. I didn’t know what was causing my daughter’s seizures, but He did.

I’ve never considered myself extremely intelligent, but I learned long ago that my IQ score doesn’t matter nearly as much as I once thought it did. The truth is, God will make us smarter than we are if we just ask Him to. He said Himself, “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3, HCSB).

God is always listening. He hears your pleas for help.

So, for the sake of your loved one, ask God to help you and rely on His remarkable wisdom. Then, go where you need to go and do what you need to do, regardless of  what anyone else thinks.

Cindy Singleton of The Titus Woman



my child needs help-the titus woman

when your child needs extra help

2 thoughts on “My Child Needs Help | Taking Extraordinary Measures

    1. Cindy Singleton says:

      Jelena, I’m so thankful for God’s faithfulness and grateful that He WANTS us to ask Him for what we need:)

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