Following God

The Paris subway system is surprisingly safe, impeccably clean, and incredibly complex.

When my daughter Lia and I visited the city several years ago, I didn’t even pretend to have the know-how to maneuver my way around. Can’t find my way out of a paper bag” has pretty much described me my whole life.

Lia, on the other hand, has an inborn compass that tells her when she’s facing north, south, east or west.

So, I did what any wise, directions-challenged mom would do.

I let my sixteen-year-old daughter do the navigating.


I wish I could say we put our heads together, looked at our itinerary and then came up with the best way to get to our destinations. But I’d be lying.

To be honest, each night Lia looked at our plans for the next day. Then she carefully studied the subway map for a long, long time.


Every morning we left our hotel and walked to the subway station with Lia leading the way.GIRL LOOKING AT A SUBWAY MAP

Through turnstiles and tile-covered tunnels and up and down staircases and escalators. my daughter led me through the subway maze. Sometimes I had to run, skip, or bump into other travelers to keep up, but I never took my eyes off her.

As we squeezed ourselves onto crowded trains, I sometimes grabbed the hem of Lia’s jacket. I was desperate to stay attached to the only person who knew where I was headed.GIRL STUDYING A MAP-following God

Every single time, Lia nailed it. She got us to our destinations without fail: the Opera House…Montmartre…Notre Dame…Paris Disney…and then got us back to our hotel.

A hard fact to face about following God


When I remember my eagerness to trail behind my daughter in that beautiful city, it brings a smile to my face. But then I wince. All too frequently, following God doesn’t come nearly as easily.

Even though I’ve sought God nearly all my adult life,  I’m constantly battling my natural default to go my own way. I know I’m not alone in my struggle. The Bible is filled with heroes of the faith who temporarily strayed from the Lord’s ways.

When I’m most prone to wander, I remind myself of these truths that help me stay on course:

Why Follow God?


1. Following God makes sense


Even though I can’t tell you for sure what I’m having for breakfast in the morning, God knows what I’ll be thinking ten thousand years from now.

That’s why we’re crazy for thinking we can call the shots.

Two years into my marriage, I was ready to throw the towel in. There didn’t seem to be much hope for our troubled relationship and I was sure I would be happier on my own.

But God had a plan to revive my soul and restore my marriage. In a million years I couldn’t have imagined the life my husband and I would build together and the daughters we would raise by believing God and trusting Him to lead us.

I didn’t have a clue more than forty years ago how my life would pan out. But God did. I still don’t know the end, but He does.


We should make plans—counting on God to direct us.

Proverbs 16:9


Fortunately, God doesn’t leave us on our own to figure life out the best we can. He is with us every step of the way, like a good parent who consistently cares for a child.


Follow God’s example in everything you do just as a much loved child imitates his father

Ephesians 5:1


following God-the Titus woman


2. We have a map for following God


A subway map brought clarity to the maze my daughter navigated in Paris. And my Bible is the map that brings my life into focus.

Unlike my emotions that often deceive and derail me, the Scriptures are rock solid truth I can build every decision of my life on.

When I open my Bible ,I see myself more clearly. I recognize my wrong attitudes, my laziness, my lack of compassion, and my failures. And I’m almost always compelled to change from my ways to God’s way.

When my feelings get the best of me and I find myself battling self-doubt, loneliness, insecurity, bitterness, or countless other emotions, the Bible is where I go to make sense of it all.


For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12


The scriptures are food for my soul. They strengthen, delight, and revive me. Over and over they instruct, protect, and guide me. They remind me of what’s most important and point out what’s worthless. And they’re my source of joy, peace, wisdom, comfort, and instruction.

Most importantly, the Bible is alive. It’s God’s spoken Word to us. God meets us there and speaks to us, and the Holy Spirit leads us in the ways that we should go.


Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105

3. We’re only responsible for taking the next step


Life can be exhilarating, joyful, and fun. But it’s sometimes scary. Often disappointing. Occasionally heartbreaking. And always uncertain.

In every season of my life I’ve learned to hang onto Jesus a little more tightly.

I don’t know what’s ahead of me. But I know God has promised to walk with me through whatever life brings my way.

That’s why I want to tighten my grip on Jesus. Following God is like holding onto my daughter’s shirt tail when she was the only one who knew where we were going.

The Bible says we’re like sheep, and our Good Shepherd knows we don’t know our own way.

But He has promised to lead us.

All we have to do is follow.

One step of faith at a time.


My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me..

John 10:27


Cindy Singleton of The Titus Woman


following God-The Titus Woman


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